Spreading Planty Joy!
Grown With Love
Dracaena 'Twister' sometimes called 'Tornado' is easy to care for and great for low light, moderate light, or areas that have indirect-bright light or filtered light. It's a great beginner...
Philodendron 'Red Congo Dwarf' is a great tropical plant that has leaves that are green with burgundy colored underneath. It is a dense/ compact plant that is typically easy care....
Monstera siltepecana originally comes from Central America and parts of Mexico. It is known to be a vining plant and as it matures, develops holes in its leaves. This process is also...
The Pothos N'Joy is an easy-to-grow pothos that has gorgeous variegation throughout every leaf! It is beginner-friendly and grows well in indirect bright light, moderate light, and can also tolerate low...
Philodendron silver sword is a unique and highly sought after plant due to its unique color! It is also an easy to care for plant. It is originally from Brazil...
This variegated spider plant has great qualities! As it grows healthily, it produces little baby "spider plants' that stay attached to the mother plant. Be sure to top off the water each...
Syngonium Chiapense is an air-purifying plant that thrives in bright shade/ medium light, and indirect-bright light. It is an easy-care plant that loves to climb, so be sure to add a moss...
This Anthurium Hookeri is growing nicely in a nursery pot placed inside of a decorative cement cover pot. Providing a cover pot helps with humidity as It loves higher humidity, so keeping...
Epipremnum pinnatum yellow flame is a highly variegated plant/aroid that loves to climb! So much so, that in nature it can grow up to 15 meters. It is a highly sought after plant...
This beautifully made propagation stand currently has a partially rooted Philodendron silver stripe cutting actively growing hydroponically in a propagation stand. Be sure to change some of the water once...
Philodendron Pink Princess is a "Must have" exotic tropical plant for any plant collector. Its beautiful variegated multi-color foliage is what makes it so attractive to plant lovers! Each new...
Philodendron Giganteum Blizzard is an uncommon/ rare variegated philodendron that is a "show stopper". It is one our favorite plants that we do not offer often. The one pictured here is currently...